If you cry ''Forward'' you must be sure to make clear the direction in which to go" -Chekhov

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

This has been a most interesting week full of things that make me ask God: "why?" Both "Why is everything going opposite of the way I want it to?" and "Why do I deserve so much goodness?"

The list of HORRIBLE things that happened to us:

1. Scott lost his job this week which included our main and most consistent source of income.

2. I got cast as 5 cameo roles in Macbeth (Gentlewoman, 2 Servants, a Messenger and a witch double).

3. The weather.

4. One of my teacups broke

5. Going to a play by myself

6. A Humor's show for the Eastern Idaho Credit Union

7. A broken engine mount on my car

The list of GREAT things that happened to us:

1. Scott has a job lined up

2. Scott never took time off of work, so we're getting a butt-load of PTO money

3. Scott's taxes are FINALLY coming in this week, getting us through the holidays

4. Scott has had the GREATEST attitude and it is contagious

5. I got cast as 5 cameo roles in Macbeth (Gentlewoman, 2 Servants, a Messenger and a witch double).

6. I found really cute teacups at DI for very very cheap

7. We have energy assistance so we can turn on our heat

8. Salmon Patties with Dill Sauce

9. Settler's of Catan with Davey and Xanthe

10. Ice Cream with Liz and Jacob

11. "Shopping" with Brandilyn

12. A date with Anna all lined up

13. The new Christmas Carol movie with Paul and Melissa

14. My fish is still alive

15. Scott


  1. Hahaha, i love that we went "shopping!" One day we'll look back on our time as poor college students and laugh...even though right now it's really not that funny at all. Love you Carrie!!

  2. Wasn't the Christmas Carol fabulous?


I like to hear all of the beautiful things you have to say.