I love lavender. Too much.
It's an obsession.
Last year, I made lavender lemonade.
This year, I was planning on making lavender ice cream, but I got distracted by a recipe for lavender cookies and I couldn't resist!
I love the taste, the smell, the look of lavender. I use lavender oil for almost everything. I can hardly wait for the lavender festival here in Utah that I'm going to in June. If I could re-do my wedding, it would be at the end of June and all the bouquets would be lavender.
You can check out all my lavender love on my Pinterest (I'm under Carrie Chapman) where I have a whole board dedicated to it because it's wonderful.
Meanwhile, g'head and treat yourself to some great tea-time cookies!
You put dried lavender buds right into the batter! I usually stock up in the summer on lavender, dry it, and store it all year long so when opportunities like this arise, I have some on hand. I think I only have about a half a cup left haha! Also, the recipe says use "Superfine Sugar" but I used normal sugar and it was fine. I had everything but the pudding mixes on hand so this recipe only cost me about $1! The photo is mine, but I got the recipe here.
Lavender Cookies
½ Cup Butter (room temperature)
¼ Cup Vegetable Oil (Canola, whatever, just not Olive Oil)
½ Cup Superfine Sugar
¼ Cup Water
1 Large Egg
1-2 Tsp Dried Lavender Buds
2 3-4oz Boxes Vanilla Pudding Mix
1 Tsp Baking Powder
½ Tsp Salt
2 Cups All-Purpose Flour (unbleached will work as well)
A small bowl with some Superfine Sugar for rolling
Heat your oven to 350 degrees and line cookie sheets with parchment paper. Combine Superfine Sugar and Lavender in blender or food processor and process until Lavender begins to break down. Combine all dry ingredients together, except for pudding mix, and set aside. In your mixer bowl, combine all other ingredients and beat until thick and well-combined. Add the dry ingredients and mix until well-combined. Scoop by teaspoon-full, roll gently into a ball shape between your palms, roll in bowl with Superfine Sugar and place on cookie sheet. Here, you can leave them to their natural shape, or, press them down gently with a glass-bottomed item. The cookies in the photo have been pressed. (I re-purposed a tea light holder as a cookie press.) Bake for 10 minutes. Cool on wire racks. This recipe will make around 4 dozen cookies if you make them teaspoon size.
To ice, use the Whisk Drizzle Icing recipe. Place waxed paper, butcher paper, plastic wrap (whatever you have) under the wire racks the cookies have cooled on. Mix up a batch of the icing and drizzle over cookies. Allow the icing to set and serve.
Whisk-Drizzle Icing
This is a very simple cookie glaze and will harden nicely.
1 Cup Confectioner’s Sugar
1 Tbsp Light Corn Syrup
2 Tbsp Milk (you’ll need a little more after you’ve whisked in the first amount)
In a smallish bowl, whisk all ingredients together. Keep slowly adding milk until you get a slightly thick, drizzle-able icing. The icing will settle out and smooth nicely once you’ve applied it. This recipe will ice about 4 dozen cookies and can be colored with liquid food coloring if desired. I drizzle this icing with a whisk. By all means, if you prefer, put it in a zip lock bag and snip off a corner for a make-shift icing bag. Drizzle away…
I cannot wait to try this!!