Within the last Two Months:
-Scott and I were married! Sealed together forever! This was, for lack a better phrase, the best day of my life! I'd like to note that during the sealing ceremony, Scott held his breath practically the whole time, and I kept wanting to burst out laughing. Once we were pronounced husband and wife, Scott let out a huge audible sigh, and I simutanously giggled.
A lot of people talk about at least one thing that went horribly wrong on their wedding day. We had none of that. Everything was perfect! I think one of my most favorite moments in my LIFE was standing outside the Boise Temple, in beautiful weather, surrounded by the people I loved the most, knowing that Scott was my husband.

-We were tour-sity honeymooners! After the wedding reception and gift opening, Scott and I went to a swanky hotel in downtown Boise, with swing music and dim lit hallways. The next morning, we walked through downtown in perfect 75 degree weather. We ran into a small indie cafe where live jazz was playing. We sat on the patio and ate quiche. Another perfect moment.
Then, we drove down to Utah where we stayed the night in the Sheraton in downtown Salt Lake (thank you, Peter!) in one of the most gorgeous hotel room's I've seen. Complete with a private balcony. The next morning, we jumped on an Orlando-bound plane and headed for Disneyworld! For the next four days, we conquered four theme parks. We had battle plans for everyday to make the most out of each park. We wore pins that said "Just Married" so we got free stuff and a lot of congratulations. One of our favorite moments was in Epcot. We went to a restaurant that had an entire wall looking into an aquarium. So we sat and had amazing food while watching sharks and sea turtles swim by!

-The day after we got back from Florida, Scott and I drove back up to Rexburg where we moved into our little mouse hole on College Avenue. It was stressful moving in. We both started school the next day, so we had to immediately start balancing school, work and a half-moved in apartment that's the size of a walk-in closet. We somehow made it, though. It's humble, but it's home.
Other than that, life has been pretty normal. We are both working part time and going to school full time. We are Sunday School teachers in our eccentric student-married ward (which will very soon get it's own blog entry). We try to keep our lives interesting.
So far as a boring married couple we have:
-Gone to Mesa Falls and ate fried chicken from a local grocer
-Gone to the hot springs
-Watched a drive-in movie (Scott's first)
-Gone to Lagoon
-Signed up for Netflix
-Fixed a clogged sink
-Made such dinners as chicken stuffed chicken and Indian curry
-Made friends with a rowdy married couple (we love Lucas and Amber!)
-Watched the first 4 seasons of The Office in two weeks
-Gone to a Comic Frenzy show (I was performing, Scott was watching)
-Played the electric guitar and sang 90's alternative rock songs
-Probably made our neighbor's hate us for playing too loud.
-Got a Betta fish named Baraka and accidentally killed a frog we weren't very attached to.
- Attended the Titanic Exhibit at the Museum of Idaho
I think that about sums up our married life so far. There's no way I can explain our lifestyle without giving every detail like just how much popcorn we eat or how many board games we play because we don't have T.V. Our lives are full of prayers and progress and laughter. Stress and recalculating our lives over and over again. We love each other.
So if you skipped this whole entry while trying to get an update, just know that our lives are full of moving, flowing, growing love. And love is all you need.

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I like to hear all of the beautiful things you have to say.