Made it Monday: Tote Bag Etsy Shop

Monday, September 24, 2012

Listen. I may be working for my in-laws over at Little Treetops designing baby onesies, but I got other ideas ok? And sure, maybe they're not t-shirts and maybe they're pretty simple, but I just spent a good chunk of time designing a few tote bags and thought they were worth sharing (selling).

All of them are $10 (with $2 shipping) and if you click caption under each picture, it should take you to the listing. Thanks for humoring me today!

If you're like me and you have a weird obsession with Mean Girls 

You know who you are

My friend Nathan would/will say this and it makes me laugh

For Peter Pan fans. 
Get it? Because it's on a TOTE?

Because I have felt judged at Whole Foods

Maybe because I really like Halloween, maybe because I'm not a nice person when I'm running errands

-Andy Warhol 

1 comment:

I like to hear all of the beautiful things you have to say.