Que Sappy Post About My Family

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

I feel Valentine's Day is the prelude to our anniversary. Honestly, I am pretty much a sappy mess from February-April.

This move (from over a year ago) has not been easy on us. I think we underestimated how difficult it would be having a baby while one of us is still in school. We have not handled it perfectly. We fight.* We cry. But in the end, we always end up in each other's arms, and for that, I am grateful. We are in it for life. We are in it for eternity. I have found my one true love. 

"Our union is like this: You feel cold, so I reach for a blanket to cover our shivering feet.

A hunger comes into your body, so I run to my garden and start digging potatoes.

You asked for a few words of comfort and guidance, and I quickly kneel by your side offering you a whole book as a gift.

You ache with loneliness one night so much you weep, and I say here is a rope, tie it around me, I will be your companion for life."

-Hafiz of Shariz**

Today, I am very blessed to be feeling love for not only my Valentine, but also my little heart on a leash who is sound asleep in the other room. She has my world on her string, and I love her for it. 

So maybe our Valentine's Day will be a bit sporadic, what with Scott not getting home from school until 7pm and Georgia and I running little busy errands. But today, I am filled with the assuring promise that I will be with those I love forever, and that makes this a perfect February 14th.

In the end, that makes a perfect everyday.  

*I am always amazed by the couples who have been married for years and say they have never been in a fight. I think we would be divorced by now if we did not fight. 
**I found this poem a couple of months ago and have been saving it for today. Beautiful, no?

1 comment:

  1. aw love. that poem is perfection and i cannot get over georgia! if she doesn't stop getting cute, you're going to just have to lock her up! thats a wonderful way to describe a mother's love...my heart on a leash.

    and i agree...we've been married almost 4 years and had a fight last night about how i literally do ALL the housework. this morning i wake up to sticky notes plastered all over the living room and kitchen and i was so mad.


I like to hear all of the beautiful things you have to say.