All the cheesiness of how we came to be.

Monday, October 24, 2011

I saw this on my friend's blog and thought I should participate since my blog url IS "adventuresof SCOTTand carrie." It seems that Scott only makes small appearances on here, but I love him more than that. Anyway, here I am answering 20 question about Mr. Chapman.

1. Where did you meet?
There are two stories to this. The first is that we ORIGINALLY met in a corn maze. Or, at a corn maze. We both worked at a corn maze. He was a senior in high school with braces and a serious girlfriend, and I was a really mature 18 year old who had done a whole semester block of college over the summer. I worked in concessions and got to know his friends that would come flirt with all the other concession girls- but I didn't get to know him because he genuinely liked to work in the corn. When I worked at my other job at a video store, he would come in as the only customer with his guitar, and play it while he browsed DVD's. I sat behind the counter reading. We never said more than "$3.50 please, and it's due back on Thursday. " "Thanks."

The second part of the story comes after you fast forward about 3 years. Scott served a mission in South Africa, and I served one in Toronto, Canada. We both returned home about a week apart and ended up attending the same college. I had been home a few months and the dating scene wasn't really jiving with me and I was getting frustrated. One night, I was so fed up that I prayed for a boyfriend. And then I felt really stupid. Desperate. I told myself I would never do that again and just go through life.
Meanwhile, that SAME night, Scott had seen me at a large church meeting and thought: "Carrie Sylvester. I remember her- I want to talk to her." But I had disappeared so before he went to bed he (for some reason) prayed that he would see me again.

THE NEXT DAY I was walking on campus when a breathless Scott Chapman caught up to me. I thought his name was Steve.

2. What was the first thought that went through your head when you met?
My stomach dropped and my heart raced, and my head spun. All of those typical symptoms you hear about in pop songs and see in Disney movies. And then I thought:

"Carrie. You are the most PATHETIC and DESPERATE person on the planet! You pray for a boyfriend and the FIRST guy that walks up to you you think is the one? Get a GRIP! Stop forcing yourself to feel this way! How embarrassing!"

After I composed myself, he reminded me of his name and I noticed that he had a dazzling smile with a dimple on the left side of his mouth.
3. Do you remember what he was wearing?
A backpack.

4.Where was the first time you kissed this person?
On my doorstep. It was all innocent and very sweet sixteen. It had been a few months since we had met and we had started dating just each other. We had gone out and when he took me home he gave a quick goodnight kiss and left. It left me wanting more which apparently was his intention. That sly dog.

5. Where did you go for your first date?

Again, two stories for this one. All of our friends wanted us to date each other, so when I had planned a big, guided canoe trip through the school, everyone canceled so it was just Scott and I. I didn't know if it was a date, or if he liked me and felt pretty stupid. On top of that, another guy that I was interested in was the GUIDE for said canoe trip so I was trying to keep my options open while wearing an unflattering wet suit with a blue patch on the bum, in the pouring rain. Not my best moment.

But, Scott ASKED me out to an opera concert on campus. After that, we went bowling and then went to the grocery store because Scott wanted grapes- which he washed in the drinking fountain. We went for a drive and looked at stars and ate the grapes and chatted about who knows what. All I really remember from that date is that I really felt like I could be 100% myself around this guy.
6. How long did you know this person before you became a couple?
We started being friends around the middle of April and became a couple the beginning of June.

7. How did he/she ask you out?
Facebook chat. We were really just chatting about what we were doing that weekend and I had mentioned that I wanted to go to the opera scenes concert which he had gotten tickets to. Then he said we should go. This was too vague for me, so I responded: "Do you want to get together to the opera scenes, or do you want me to go with you to the opera scenes?" There was a big, heavy pause before he made sure I knew that this was going to be a date.

8. Has this person ever proposed to you?
Heck yes he did! We had talked about getting married around the end of September, but Scott was really freaked out about having a long engagement (since we wouldn't be able to get married until the following April) so he prolong proposing. Of course, he didn't communicate this to me so I sat around for a month thinking something was wrong. Every time I talked to him about it though, he would just say: "these things take time." He didn't know it, but I had promised myself that if didn't propose within 10 days, I was going to tell him to forget it. I couldn't be with someone who I thought was just dragging his feet because he was scared.
One night (close to the 10 mark), we went out to a concert and he made me a really amazing dinner. He made sure we were alone the whole time. Then, we started re-enacting our first date. I was sure several times that he was going to propose, but it never came. Finally, he said he had to get home early because had a meeting in the morning. Then he started texting someone. I couldn't hold it in and I started to cry. "Is something wrong with me, Scott?" He looked like I had slapped him and got really frustrated. He started speeding. He kept apologizing and took me home.
When I got into the apartment, my best friend asked me how it went and I started sobbing and ran into my room. She followed me in and comforted me while I told her all about it. "And then he started TEXTING," I wailed. She excused herself to her bedroom.

Just then, I heard a tapping on my 3rd floor window. Scott was throwing rocks at it. I had told him before that I had always wanted someone to throw rocks at my window, to sneak me out- ever since I saw The Sound of Music. I was so excited that I ran out of the apartment on a November night with no shoes on. He took me to the park that we spent the whole summer in, and underneath golden trees and standing on a blanket of fiery leaves, he pushed his forehead to mine. Then, he got on one knee, and he proposed. Of course, I said yes. I think, followed by a "what took you so long?!"
9. Do you and this person have kids together?
Yes. She's perfect and her name is Georgia and she is almost 4 months old.

10.Have you ever broken the law with this person?
Scott used to speed all the time. And we used to end up in places that were trespassing all the time without realizing it.

11. When was the first time you realized you liked this person?
When we went on a roadtrip to Utah and I saw him with his family.
12. Do you get along with his/her family?
HA! Yes. Yes I do. It is not perfect 100% of the time (everyone has in-law moments), but overall they are an incredibly loving family who want nothing more than for everyone to feel safe, loved, and welcome. They also get my sense of humor.

13. Do you trust this person?
Do I trust Scott with my life and the life of our daughter? Do I trust that he will lead us to live with God again? Yes. Do I trust that he will be on time places and take out the trash? No.

14. What is your favorite thing about this person?
My favorite thing about Scott is that he is always willing to try new things. It doesn't matter what I rope him into, he will do it for the sake of experience.

15. What is the best gift he/she gave you?
Our daughter.

16. What is one thing he/she does that gets on your nerves?
He tells me things last minute. Like "oh yeah, they're coming over in two hours." Or, "Did I tell you we're going there tomorrow?" I used to be able to live my life like that, but with the baby it really bugs me- he 's getting better at it though.
17. Where do you see each other 15 years from now?
3 or 4 kids (I won't be able to do kids close together), I'll be a stay at home mom and Scott will be working for some awesome company that allows us to travel with him. That's my dream, anyway.

18. What causes the most arguments?We are on totally different schedules, so most of our arguments have to do with calendar planning and cleaning up at night.

19. How long have you been together?
We've been dating since June of 2008.

20. Are you married?
Happily married. Three years in April- my, how time flies.

1 comment:

  1. Carrie, I love how you write. I'm in class right now trying to hide the fact that I am NOT paying attention to this PowerPoint on Einstein, but I keep smiling to myself while I read! Great post. I love your stories. My favorite part was when you wailed, "And then he started TEXTING!" Hahaha. I could totally see myself saying that exact thing.


I like to hear all of the beautiful things you have to say.