The Best Creative Project of My Life

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Georgia Rose Chapman

Born June 28, 2011 (10 days early!)
7lbs 1oz and 20" long

I'm a little distracted at the moment with the above bundle of cuddly happiness, so you'll have to excuse my absence for a few days while me and my peach get this whole mother/daughter thing figured out.

But it's the best kind of puzzle :)


  1. Carrie, she is gorgeous! She has such a beautiful face! She looks so perfect! We are so happy for you and Scott. "Peach"... that's adorable! She's your Georgia peach! AWWWWW!

  2. She looks just like you two!
    (Have I told you I think you and Scott look alike?)
    Well, yeah, this baby fits right in with you two. Crazy.

    I don't know why that surprises me.

    Well done. She is beautiful.

  3. CONGRATS!!! She is absolutely adorable!

  4. She looks absolutely perfect! Congratulations! Good luck with figuring it all out! And let me know how once you do ;o)

  5. hope I'm not a creeper but I wanted to say your baby is beautiful. Congratulations! I enjoy your blog!

  6. Congratulations! It's so exciting to finally see your bundle of joy, and she's beautiful!

  7. yay! congrats :) she's beautiful!


I like to hear all of the beautiful things you have to say.