I WILL, however, take an inventory on how I'm doing with the goals I set back on September 5th. The ones in red are completed, and the ones in blue are currently in progress.
1. Make a Cheesecake
2. Graduate from college
3. Eat vegan for a month
4. Make soap
5. Blow glass
6. Start a family
7. Do hot yoga
8. Visit Las Vegas
9. Ride a bicycle built for two
10. Sing a solo
11. Run a 10K
12. Go to a lavender festival
13. Spend a day not knowing what time it is
14. Go to dinner and a movie by myself
15. Keep a dream journal
16. Canoe with a parasol
17. Participate in a religious tradition in a religion other than my own
18. Take a R.A.D. course
19. Do a random act of kindness for a stranger once a month
20. Sew a dress
21. Have a successful etsy shop
22. Keep a list of every book I've read while 25
23. Keep my spiritual goals
24. Donate blood (needles!)
25. Juggle
So I'm not doing incredibly well. But I have a while to go, and once I have my footing in my new place- watch out!
With the new year, I am not totally immune from setting new goals. But I don't really think of them as "goals" or things I need to reach- but instead as thing that just HAVE to be accomplished. This year there are two. And I'm sure many of you have the same two in your New Year lists:
1. Stop complaining all. the. time.
2. Organize finances... again.
Weight loss probably would have been on there too if I wasn't all pregnant and stuff. What I'm saying is that it may come across that I'm all
"I'm-so-unique-because- I-don't- SET- goals- at- NEW- YEARS- like- EVERYONE- else"
but what I'm actually saying is... we're all pretty much the same when the clock strikes midnight.
Good for you to challenge your fear of needles and donate blood. Somebody out there donated blood many years ago and saved my life. They have no idea how grateful I am.