Fetus' first Christmas

Saturday, December 25, 2010

And that's one of the reason's I've been so weird the past few months.

And by weird I mean an emotional train wreck.

Much to Scott's relief, I'm leveling out a bit. Probably because I'm 12 weeks along today, and also probably because I am all moved into our new apartment and got straight A's last semester.

And even though I haven't blogged in a week because of moving, and Christmas events and Christmas traveling, I want everyone to know that I'm not a horribly sad person. Sometimes, I think I rely on this blog a little too much as my shoulder to cry on. But really- I'm not crying.

I am grateful.

I am grateful that I have a husband that looks at my ever-increasingly fat body and still tells me that he loves it. And I'm grateful that we have an apartment.
And food. And clothes. And heat.

I'm grateful we have family that would do anything to help us, and friends who treat us like their own family.

I'm grateful we have a car, and jobs, and are in college. We are living a pretty sweet life right now, compared to the rest of the world. Sometimes I complain about it- but I shouldn't. Because I am living the dream. I am wealthy in love- which is all we can take with us.

I'm grateful for this little baby inside that has a heart beat and a brain. It may not have much more than that, but I could just cry thinking about that heartbeat.
Mostly, I am grateful for the whole reason we are celebrating today. I am grateful for Jesus Christ, and the fact that I have everything because of Him. That because of Him I not only have a loving family, and husband, and baby on the way, but I have the opportunity to reach eternal life and eternal happiness. This brings me peace everyday.

Especially today.

Merry Christmas.


  1. Congratulations! & Merry Christmas!

    Just Better Together is having a giveaway!

  2. Ah congats!!!! So happy for you two :)
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. Hi Carrie! I've been reading your blog secretly for a while now. and YAY! CONGRATULATIONS!!! and Merry Christmas :o)

  4. That's going to be the coolest baby ever.

  5. Congratulations my friend! That's so exciting!

  6. Carrie holy crap how did I miss this?? Congratulations!


I like to hear all of the beautiful things you have to say.