After it was written, and printed out on that beautiful paper, envelopes were stuffed, a picture included, and sent out around the country to all our friends and family.
And then there was a recession.
Suddenly, my mailbox is no longer full of Christmas cards and letters. My INBOX, however, is a different story. To be honest, I have fully planning on sending my own Christmas E-letter.
That is, until I saw Shutterfly's Christmas Photo Card collection...

I really, really like these classic one photo cards. What's the point of a picture if you can't see it? Am I right?

But these collage cards are so cute, too! How can you even begin to decide?!
They also have a ton of really cool Christmas gifts that, quite frankly, I didn't know existed. Like turning a photo into a wall decal. Seriously?!

Speaking of gifts- I want to get Scott another desk calendar like I did last year, and these are pretty adorable:

The point is this: it may not be the cheapest way to share your family's last year, but there is something magical about receiving a personalized Christmas card from friends and family- and Shutterfly makes it pretty affordable.
Especially with this new promotion they're doing- which is where this post came from anyway.
For more free stuff- check THIS out.
I was going to do this and then they told me it had to be 200 words and I realized I was wayyy too lazy. Good work! I wish i were so motivated.