Aaaand We're Back

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Today marks the first day of school again for me. I'm hoping I'll be less emotionally exhausted after my social work classes this semester, but since I'm taking child welfare, I doubt it.
I got a job at the theatre office on campus and I am BEYOND excited about it. It's just 12 hours/week and made around my schedule. Seriously. Blessings.

Point is, there won't be a lot of time to blog anymore- which is kind of sad, but desperately needed. 25 posts in August = unhealthy = find a new hobby, Carrie.

My birthday was fantastic. I woke up with a weird bit of anxiety and Scott told me if I didn't relax, he was going to take away all my presents- including the Hunger Games Trilogy (email me if you want to to talk about it- because I can talk about it all day). I calmed down, and really enjoyed my day. In the evening, Scott threw me a little birthday party. He said it was "5 year old" themed so we had a pinata, balloons and a good game of freeze tag. The caramel apples were DELICIOUS even if Scott forgot to put them in the fridge so they all melted. They cupcakes were good too, even though they looked like uneven clumps of cake. We're not perfect here, but we do it with love. In the end, it was a great day with friends I see all the time, and friends I never see.

And with that, here are a lot of pictures:



  1. Mary Poppins! Mary Poppins!

    Also, I'm aaallllmoooosssttt done with book one, and my mind was so blown by how the games ended! Let's talk about this sometime soon please. Mkay thanks.

  2. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Yay for sparklers. At least that's what they look like. :)

  3. Sounds like a wonderful day! Love the Hunger Games...Mocking Jay is fabulous. I will be rereading again soon. Happy Birthday.


I like to hear all of the beautiful things you have to say.