Me? At Girls Camp?

Monday, April 26, 2010

Girls camp happens every summer in my church for girls between 12 and 17. It is seriously some of the most fun I have had in my life. I remember going to girl's camp in Washington where we would stay up way too late but get up way too early so we could jump in the lake at 6am to get the "polar dip" bead to add to our certification necklaces. The trees, the sugar, the crappy crafts, the camp songs. My one regret in life is turning 18 and not being able to go anymore.

But all is not lost! I was just approached in church on Sunday and asked to write a skit for the girl's in my congregation that they can do at camp. As a bonus, I'm invited to come to girl's camp ALL WEEK LONG! Yes! Yes! Yes! I can smell the s'mores!

...oh yeah. I go to school in the summer semester.


Not to fear, however, I'm told I can come up whenever I want, especially to see the girl's perform their skit.

I can't wait.

Now, does anybody have any ideas on how to plan a 5 minute skit for 18 teenage girls?


  1. Oh my gosh, I was about to die of jealousy if you got to go to Girl's Camp! I miss Girl's Camp so much.

    I think your girls' skit should involve lip syncing and/or 80's music and costumes and/or water guns. All sure hits at Girl's Camp. As is cross-dressing.

  2. fun! enjoy it for me...i've still never been to a girls' camp... :-(

  3. All right, I've finally made up my mind about my lovely journals. Do you have any of that tiger fabric left over? Any sweet illustration-ish print/fabric would rock my world. Basically anything I've seen you design rocks my world.

    Also, they awarded me the name "Camp Radio" at Girl's Camp because I wouldn't stop singing . . . I swear I'm not that annoying anymore.

  4. I agree with Liz, except for the cross dressing part because that is usually frowned upon. But I do remember a skit when I was young...

    Okay digressing...Aleece I am so sorry you have never went to girls camp. BEG, BORROW, VOLUNTEER to do whatever you need.

    I enjoyed attending with Carrie as one of the adult leaders. Remember the time I was chased around camp by a woman yielding a butcher knife Carrie? NO JOKE! One leader even missed a trip to Egypt to come and be the cook at girls camp!

    Good Times!


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