Winter Olympics and Oprah

Friday, February 19, 2010

Poor Chapman's. We don't have T.V. In fact, we've never had T.V. With Hulu and Netflix, this has never really been a problem. But when Oprah said this was her last season, I lobbied hard. Scott didn't budge. In fact,he seemed pretty dead set on NEVER getting T.V.

Enter 2010 Winter Olympic Games.

There was my poor husband, hunched over the laptop, desperately trying to find live coverage online. But there is no live coverage online. And Scott is crushed. And I think I'm half way to getting cable.

Don't get me wrong, I love to watch the Games myself, but the emotional up and downs can really get to me. Like, I'm glad that Ohno got silver in short track speedskating, but I can't help but feel so depressed for the two Korean's who fell and watched their dreams skate by.

Just another reason why I'm an actress, not an athlete.


  1. in order to watch TV you need your digital converter box. We have ours and 90% (or more) of the year it spends in the bedroom closet. It only comes out during the olympics, an occasional march madness bball game, fiesta bowls (ha) and general conference. Our lives are so So SO much better w/o tv. But it is nice to be able to participate w/the rest of the world and root for our country in the games. Maybe that will help your cause ;).

  2. No, it's not the converter box (we have one), it's the signal we can't get through any affordable antenna in Rexburg.

  3. hey! i found you're blog! sounds like you two have the perfect little married life :-) congrats!!


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